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The Sulaymaniyah hospice in Damascus in 1956

The Sulaymaniyah hospice in Damascus in 1956

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Women at the Childhood and Motherhood Organization conference in Damascus in 1955

Women at the Childhood and Motherhood Organization conference in Damascus in 1955 A group of women at the Childhood and…

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Syrian money and paper currencies 1925 – 25 Syrian lira

Syrian money and paper currencies 1925 – 25 Syrian lira النقود والعملات الورقية السورية 1925 – خمس وعشرون ليرة سورية

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Artist Ahmed Madoun in front of the Japanese company Fujitsu in 1967

Artist Ahmed Madoun in front of the Japanese company Fujitsu in 1967 الفنان أحمد مادون من أمام شركة فوجيتسو اليابانية…

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Law of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Syria in 1973

Law of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Syria in 1973   قانون المحكمة الدستورية العليا عام 1973

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The first aid agency in the Al-Salheya district of Damascus – 1933

The first aid agency in the Al-Salheya district of Damascus – 1933 The founding of the first aid agency known…

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Aleppo 1968: A view on the St. Elias Maronite Catholic Church

Aleppo 1968: A view on the St. Elias Maronite Catholic Church The St. Elias Maronite Catholic Church on the Farhat…

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Homs 1964: Shukri al-Quwatli Street

Homs 1964: Shukri al-Quwatli Street The Shukri al-Quwatli Street in the year 1964

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Latakia promenade on the western steep coast in the year 1962

Latakia 1962 Western beach promenade Al-Asafiriy Café Latakia promenade on the western steep coast in the year 1962 Al-Qasis Port…

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Damascus 1978- The Artist Ahmad Madoun- The fifth exhibtion

Damascus 1978- The Artist Ahmad Madoun- The fifth exhibtion – French Cultural Center    

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Adnan AlMalki

Adnan Al-Malki –

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Damascus, School Sheikh Qatna 1917

Damascus, School Sheikh Qatna 1917 The building was residential until at least 1903 to be converted to an elementary school…

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Shukri Quatli at the Damascus Mezze Airport in 1948

Syrian President Shukri Quatli (right) at the Damascus Mezze Airport in 1948 awaiting the arrival of Iraq’s Regent Prince Abdul…

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The Presidential Palace in 1943

The Presidential Palace in 1943

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Khalil Hamada and Mar’i Al Mallah: Great Pashas and Longtime Friends By Amr Al Mallah

Khalil Hamada and Mar’i Al Mallah Great Pashas and Longtime Friends  By Amr Al Mallah  The Grand Vizier Hussein Hilmi Pasha who…

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